Coffee Blog

December 17, 2022



This is probably one of the most common mistakes.  People just don’t use enough when brewing their favourite java.  Different methods require different amounts of coffee. For example, if you’re using a French Press, we recommend using 2 full table spoons for every 6oz’s of water. However, if you’re brewing with an automatic drip machine we recommend 1 table spoon for every 6oz’s of water. The reason for the change in amount of coffee used is because automatic drip brewers brew at higher temperatures than a French press would.


As with tea, the strength of your coffee has a good amount to do with how long the coffee “steeps”.  If the coffee doesn’t have enough time to interact with the hot water, you will get weak, under extracted, flavourless coffee.  This is entirely the result of under-steeping.


Brewing temperature is extremely important in making the perfect cup of coffee. If the water is too hot, then the coffee will over extract and taste bitter.  However, if the water isn’t hot enough, then the coffee will under extract and taste weak. The ideal temperature used to brew coffee is between 195 F and 205 F.


Consistency is key.  Your coffee should be evenly ground for whichever brewing method you enjoy.  Each method is different and you should know exactly which grind size is best needed for the brew type you are using.  Generally, though, if the coffee grind is too coarse for that given brew type, there’s a potential risk of under extraction resulting in watery, weak, flavourless coffee.

December 18, 2022


Happiness is quite simple….COFFEE.  Nothing is more enjoyable and satisfying than the perfect cup of coffee.  Here are some tips to follow to make sure you’re brewing the most delicious cup of Joe possible.


Without a doubt, freshly roasted coffee is a must.  Fresh, high-quality coffee will be very clean tasting and help ensure your brew is made with no bitterness or aftertaste.


Always store your coffee in an air tight container, preferably with a one-way degassing valve.  This will allow the CO2 coffee produces to release and keep out any oxygen that may ruin your coffee. We recommend storing your beans in a cool dry place such as a cupboard and avoid storing them in the refrigerator and especially, the freezer.  Be aware, oxygen exposure, moisture and extreme temperature are all factors that help speed the aging process of your coffee beans.


Fresh ground coffee is always best.  Coffee starts losing it’s quality as soon as it’s ground.  Basically, for the freshest possible cup of coffee you’ll want to grind your freshly roasted beans right before you brew


Brewed coffee is 98.5% water.  Use fresh water, as free of impurities and alkalines as possible.  Nothing ruins a pot of coffee more than poor tap water with heavy chlorine and off flavors.

October 26, 2023


Have you ever wondered; how long should you wait before brewing your fresh roasted Gold Star Coffee? It’s a good question, and one that can significantly impact the flavour of your cup of joe.

  1. Degassing Period: Freshly roasted coffee needs time to degas, which means allowing the carbon dioxide produced during roasting to escape. This process is crucial for optimizing the flavor of your coffee.
  2. Ideal Waiting Time: The recommended waiting period before brewing fresh coffee is generally two to seven days after roasting. This allows the initial carbon dioxide to escape and prevents over-extraction and uneven brewing.
  3. Variation by Roast Level: The degassing time can vary depending on the type of coffee and roast level. Lighter roasts might need a shorter resting period, while darker roasts could benefit from a slightly longer one. It’s essential to experiment and find the optimal waiting time for your specific coffee and brewing method.
  4. Storage: Keeping your coffee in a sealed container during the resting period is advisable to retain freshness and prevent exposure to oxygen. High-quality packaging can help with this.
  5. Freshness Window: Coffee is typically at its freshest within the first two to four weeks after roasting. Beyond this period, the flavors can start to degrade. So, it’s crucial to strike a balance between degassing and consuming your coffee while it’s still fresh.
  6. Freezing Extra Coffee: To extend the freshness of your coffee, you can freeze extra packs. Just remember to take them out of the freezer at least one day before using them so they can come to room temperature.
  7. Personal Preference: Ultimately, the best approach to degassing and brewing fresh coffee depends on your personal taste preferences and the specific characteristics of your coffee. Some people may prefer to wait longer for additional degassing, while others may brew shortly after roasting.

In summary, allowing your freshly roasted coffee to degas for an appropriate period and paying attention to factors like roast level and storage can significantly improve the flavor of your brew. Experimentation and personal preference play a role, so it’s essential to find the timing that suits your taste.

So, the next time you get a fresh batch of Gold Star Coffee, remember to give it some time to degas. It’s a small step that can make a big difference in the taste of your brew.

November 14, 2023

Traditional Fire Roasting Coffee

Do you ever wonder about the journey your coffee beans take before they reach your cup? Let’s talk about traditional fire-roasting, a method that’s as old as coffee itself and one that Gold Star Coffee proudly upholds. In this process, coffee beans are exposed directly to an open flame. They dance around the fire, never touching it directly, but absorbing its warmth nonetheless. This open flame roasting imparts a clean flavor and aroma to the beans, preserving the natural essence of the coffee’s origin, unless the roast level is quite dark. Now, this isn’t your average automated roasting. It’s a manual or semi-manual process, requiring a skilled operator who monitors the beans and controls the roasting through visual and sensory cues. This method is a testament to the time-honored tradition of coffee roasting, a ritual that transforms raw beans into the perfect cup of coffee. Diving deeper into the process, you’ll find that fire-roasting is more art than science.

In an era of automation, fire-roasting stands out as a testament to the human touch. This traditional method of roasting coffee beans is a craft, an art form that hinges on the expertise of a skilled operator. Unlike modern methods that rely heavily on automatic machines and precise temperature control, fire-roasting is a hands-on process where every bean matters. A key part of this manual process is the rotation and agitation of the coffee beans. This isn’t a random whirlwind of beans around an open flame. It’s a calculated dance, a precise rhythm that ensures the beans are evenly roasted, not scorched. But the magic really lies in the sensory evaluation. The master roaster, like a conductor in an orchestra, uses their senses to guide the process. They watch for color changes, listen for the ‘first crack’ and ‘second crack’, and smell the developing aroma to determine the perfect roast level. The expertise of a master roaster is what truly sets fire-roasted coffee apart.

At Gold Star Coffee, we believe in preserving the art of traditional fire-roasting.” Why, you might wonder? Well, despite the advent of modern roasting methods, we at Gold Star Coffee have chosen to stick to the traditional fire-roasting. This is not because we are resistant to change, but because we believe in quality and taste above all else. Fire-roasting, though more time-consuming and expensive, brings out the finest flavors in the coffee beans, maintaining the natural essence of their origin. Each coffee origin is unique, and each year’s crop varies, adding a delightful unpredictability to the roasting process. This is why we place our trust in the hands of our master roasters, who use their expertise and real-time decision-making skills to achieve the perfect roast level and flavor profile. In our pursuit of producing the “World’s Best Tasting Coffee”, we are committed to this age-old method of roasting. Fire-roasting may be a traditional method, but at Gold Star Coffee, we believe it’s the future of great-tasting coffee.